We have experience in bringing claims on behalf of people who have been subjected to unacceptable treatment by public bodies. We act for individuals and groups of people who believe their human rights are being violated by the state or other powerful bodies.
We are involved in ground-breaking litigation based on Law No. 448/2006 on protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities or other laws in this matter and provide assistance in cases for an inadequate service from the authorities for disable people. Our approach is based on our understanding that the good standards can only be achieved and maintained if public servants are held to account whenever their conduct falls short of what we would all expect.
Our background and expertise are related to Non-Governmental Organizations dealing with the promotion and protection of the rights of the persons with disabilities. For the campaigns of such organizations, we provide integrated solutions combining domestic legal ways with international mechanisms.
We provide counseling and representation to NGOs’ campaigns in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities: drawing up of memoranda to administrative authorities; drawing up of legal opinions concerning draft laws; drawing up of works on the rights of persons with disabilities; actual participation in conferences, courses.
We provide counseling and representation in the carrying out of strategic litigation – major and systematic breaches of the rights of persons with disabilities by the authorities.
We encourage organizations to use all mechanisms, national, regional and international for an effective protection of human rights: Regional European Mechanisms: The European Convention of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights; The European Social Charter and the European Committee of Social Rights; UN System General Protection Mechanisms: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Romania undertook to observe this revolutionary convention for the rights of persons with disabilities which, however, contradict numerous domestic civil laws. We have the necessary expertise to assist Non-Governmental Organizations in their information campaigns concerning the new rights as regulated by this Convention, to carry out surveys concerning the stage of enforcement of this Convention globally and the manner of enforcement of such Convention.